LIFTing Los Angeles with LA:RISE

Our team at LIFT-Los Angeles has been work closely to bring success and support to some of our newest members referred to us by LA:RISE, a city initiative designed to help the formerly incarcerated, the homeless community and at-risk transitional youth find long-term work through heavy case management, job training and personal support from nonprofits like LIFT.

My colleague Frank and I have been training LIFT advocates on LA:RISE, auditing progress notes, ensuring LA:RISE member retention and serving LA:RISE members, and we’re excited to share the stories of some of our inspiring members and the important milestones they have accomplished during their time with us here at LIFT.

  • Andrea successfully received a loan from the Jewish Free Loan Association (JFLA) to pay for her new apartment. In order to regain custody of her children, she was ordered by the court to secure housing by the end of the month. Andrea was in dire need of money to pay for this apartment and with the advocacy and guidance of Frank, she was approved for a loan from JFLA without needing a co-signer. It brings us joy to know that we supported Andrea in her journey of reuniting with her children.
  • Jerry opened up a savings account four months ago and has saved more than $600 already. We spoke in depth about various banking options and realistic saving tips he can utilize in his everyday spending. He hopes to invest in his own car and house one day. Because I am working closely with Jerry to build his self-efficacy, he took the initiative to take his driver’s exam and as a result, received his very first driver’s license! 
  • Brian secured childcare for his kids at Crystal Stairs for the summer. This has been a great help for Brian as he can now focus on employment and attending his LIFT meetings, knowing his kids are cared for.
  • Jule recently reinstated his driver’s license after 11 years of having a suspension due to back child support. When I connected him to a child support worker in our local LA County Services office, Jule was informed that his child support case was closed, therefore lifting the suspension on his license. Jule is also in the process of opening up his very first checking account and enrolling in LIFT-Los Angeles’ Lending Circles program as a way to build his credit and save money.
  • Virgil enrolled in truck driving classes at Goodwill and is currently preparing for his truck driver’s license test. Previous LIFT Fellow Lorraine advocated for Virgil and ensured that he received these classes in order to be a truck driver. Virgil is now one step closer to accomplishing his employment goal.

As we continue serving more and more LA:RISE members, we will strive to connect them to strong resources and strengthen their personal, social and financial foundations. We’re proud to serve these Angelino parents and caregivers on their journeys toward economic mobility and a better future for themselves and their children.