LIFT-Evanston to Provide Free Tax Preparation Services to Low-Income Individuals

EVANSTON, IL—Beginning in late January, LIFT-Evanston will offer free tax preparation services to low-income individuals and families at its site in Evanston. LIFT-Evanston is staffed by trained college student volunteers from Northwestern University.

Trained tax advocates will assist clients with preparing and submitting tax returns online, in addition to identifying eligibility for valuable tax credits like the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). LIFT-Evanston is the only IRS-certified Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) site in Evanston.

Tax preparation services will be offered January 30th – April 13th:  Monday through Friday: 9:00am – 5:00pm; Tuesday: 9:00am – 7:00pm; and Saturday 2/11, 2/25, 3/31, 4/7: 10:00am – 3:00pm

Clients who file their taxes with paid preparers can spend as much as 20 percent of their refunds on fees or if they try to prepare their taxes independently, they may receive a much smaller refund. The refunds and credits place money directly into the pockets of struggling families, which converts to better economic and social health of local communities.

In addition to giving people a significant economic boost, LIFT’s tax advocates gain experience in preparing taxes, understanding tax code, and strengthening their financial literacy.

For more information and to schedule an appointment, contact LIFT – Evanston at (847) 491-6707.