This organization will LIFT your job search to new heights

Kenneth L Johnson
Philadelphia Career Coach Examiner

I recently had a career seeker share with me a positive experience that he had came across during his search for resume help.  He informed me that he was extremely pleased by the assistance he received from the staff at the LIFT-Philadelphia West Office.  I had heard of the organization while participating in the Restart Philadelphia Panel so I contacted fellow panelist and LIFT Site Coordinator Kelly Lauersen to see if I could gather some additional information to share with Philadelphia job seekers that may not be aware of LIFT, she graciously arranged for me to visit the North Philly location.

While there I had the pleasure of being introduced to the tireless Josh Romalis, Regional Executive Director of LIFT Philadelphia.  Josh was great and is sincerely committed to the community he serves.  He gave an informational tour and provided me with an overview of the services offered by this excellent community resource as well as including me in a discussion of services with staff members Silvana LaBella and Kelly Lauersen.  LIFT provides individuals and families with personalized, one-on-one services, support and information.  The core areas are many but as the “Philadelphia Career Examiner” my focus was on employment.  LIFT representatives, most being students from local Universities, assist members of the community with locating employment opportunities, creating & refining resumes and cover letters as well as locating GED & job training courses.  All of these services are offered by LIFT for free.