The snow in DC didn’t stop us…

Even with DC slowed by snow today, LIFT-DC kept pushing forward to ensure our members and those of our community partners were able to access services. LIFT-DC’s new Executive Director David Harvey was so dedicated to ensuring that our office at The Perry School was open on time for member services, that he shoveled the walk-way in front of the building himself!

Our Perry School site staff also braved the icy conditions to allow the office to open and run as planned for member services.

It is this type of dedication among LIFT’s staff and volunteers that is helping our members lift themselves out of poverty for good. We understand that nobody goes at it alone and we are willing to put in the hard work, side-by-side with our members, to ensure they have the strong foundations needed to get ahead.

A big thank you to Dave and his team for allowing member services to go uninterrupted today. With your continued support, LIFT-DC will continue to work with our members to get a job, a safe home, or a good education for themselves and their kids.