Proecting Themselves with Consumer Rights

Welcome back to the second week of this season’s Beyond the Bank series!!

It’s good to be back in the swing of things, and we’re so eager to document this course with you all!

Last night’s lecture was taught by different Capital Group representative, Daniel. Like Aaron, Daniel was with us in the first round of Beyond the Bank series as well and helped the USC undergraduates answer some difficult technical questions throughout the course. His lesson last night covered consumer rights and protective laws.

This time around we also wanted to tailor all of the lesson plans for the Right Way students and make sure we cover material that is relevant to the real world. With that in mind, Daniel engaged the class in identifying loan packages, start-up fees, and potential threats to their financial well-being (more specifically, loan packages that are considered to be “too good to be true”). To compliment this information, the USC undergraduates went over various advertisements to different loans and discussed in their small groups whether or not it would be beneficial to apply for them and if they were scams.

The Right Way students are still engaged and love the information we are delivering to them! It was yet again a great night!


Daniel, our Financial Instructor, giving out tips on how to protect your financial well-being.