LIFT Statement on Commitment to Equity and Inclusion


As an organization committed to ending intergenerational poverty for all families, social justice is paramount to the foundation of LIFT.

Equity, diversity and inclusion are top of mind in all that we do at LIFT, both internally and externally, as affirmed in our equity statement. It asserts: LIFT’s work is focused on addressing socioeconomic disparity. We understand the role race, along with ethnicity, gender/gender identity and sexual orientation, play in contributing to persistent inequity. We are committed to recognizing and addressing the systemic barriers that perpetuate the cycle of poverty.

For nearly 20 years, LIFT has supported fierce and determined families – be they immigrant or native born, documented or undocumented – as they resolutely pursue their hopes and dreams. Now, more than ever, we take to heart how important this responsibility is.

We see daily the impact xenophobia, racism and sexism have not only on our society and democracy at large, but also on the mental and physical well-being of our members, volunteers and staff. We feel the indignity, fear and alienation that results from hateful and demeaning speech and behavior, and we pledge to protect against it at every opportunity.

Today and always, we remain steadfast in bringing stability to our members and their children, our employees, our partners and our communities. Together, we believe we can achieve a brighter, safer and stronger future.

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 Founded in 1998, LIFT is a non-partisan, national nonprofit dedicated to ending intergenerational poverty. Since then, we have helped 100,000 low-income individuals achieve their goals. Today we connect hardworking parents and caregivers of young children to the people, tools and resources they need. LIFT operates in Chicago, Los Angeles, New York and Washington, D.C., communities with some of the highest rates of concentrated poverty. By fostering relationships between low-income parents and caregivers of young children (members) and dedicated volunteers (advocates), we help families build the personal well-being, social connections and financial strength to secure basic needs and achieve long-term goals and aspirations, like a safe home, living wages or a better education. Headquartered in the nation’s capital, LIFT is also committed to developing strong partnerships with a range of partners on national issues vital to a better future for children and families. To learn more, visit