LIFT featured in Fast Company Co.EXIST series on Social Innovation

LIFT has been featured in Co.EXIST, Fast Company‘s “daily tour of the latest world changing ideas and innovations in transportation, energy, education, food, and health.”

In the latest entry in a series of Social Innovation, LIFT was highlighted as an innovator for our work in utilizing “Constituent Voice” to drive our strategic thinking and better our services for our Members.

“LIFT collects member responses to short surveys after every meeting with an advocate and uses the Net Promoter method, a measure of customer engagement used by large companies like Amazon and Apple, to analyze these results. Early findings show high loyalty among members: 82% of members provide LIFT very high scores in the loyalty category. Those members that are most engaged are taking three times as many steps toward their goals. Most importantly for LIFT’s general operating hypothesis, members who report stronger social foundations are making five times more progress on their goals. These are tangible (and tantalizing) early findings that are driving LIFT’s strategic thinking about the future, and should they continue to be borne out, they could also inform the broader social sector in powerful ways.”

Check out the full article and learn what other great things Co.EXIST had to say about how LIFT empowers our Members to achieve their goals.