Interns @ LIFT – Meet Elena

One of the most exciting parts about working at LIFT is the relationships you build and the people you meet! LIFT also provides the opportunity for interns to get a chance to learn from every department and build networking opportunities to use for the future. Take a chance and learn a little bit about our interns!


Orlando, FL

Major: CLEG (Communication, Law, Economics & Government)

Why did you decide to work at a non-profit?

I decided to work at a nonprofit because I wanted to help in a tangible way that wasn’t just working for a corporate firm or something. I really wanted my work to be meaningful because I think I am a mission driven person and it really helps that I work in a place that has a clear mission and goal.

What kind of impact do you want to make in your community?

Honestly, I just want to make communities more equitable. For women, for women of color, for people of color. As long as we all have equal opportunity and equitable ways to move up, that’s what I want. Obviously, we don’t have that now.

How do you like our work environment? Relationships with other interns and employees?

This is the best work environment I’ve ever worked in in my life. I love that there is so much communication and friendliness between the employees. There is no clear hierarchy in a sense that there are people who don’t get abused because they are interns. We’re all treated equally and we all help the cause, which is great, and I love my bosses, so it’s fun.