CV101: Lessons Learned

Since 2013, LIFT has been using Constituent Voice to systematically gather input from those we serve.

This process has allowed us to think critically about what we’re doing well and what we need to improve. And to ensure our approach is actually helping our members, we consistently review the results – not just to measure our own strengths and weaknesses, but to gauge member progress against goals.

An analysis of our Fiscal Year 2016 survey responses,  conducted by an independent, third-party researcher, found that last year:

  1. LIFT members were engaged and view the organization positively. Three out of four members were high scorers across almost every question related to LIFT services (service quality, relationship quality and loyalty and engagement).
  2. Engaged members made up to three times as much progress on their goals (e.g., accessing employment and benefits). High scorers completed up to 2.7 times as many goals as low scorers during their time at LIFT. This suggests that higher engagement supports progress on goals.
  3. Members who felt they made progress during their first meeting were more likely to return for subsequent visits. Members who reported making progress on their goals in their first meeting were more than 20 percent more likely to return for subsequent meetings – an early predictor of retention.
  4. Women were less likely to report having strong social connections and personal well-being. The difference was especially stark when members were asked if they have family, friends or neighbors in their life that support them; on this question, women were 15 percent less likely to be high scorers than men.
  5. Members’ social connections and resilience showed improvement while working with LIFT. Half of members reported increased social connections and about 40 percent reported increased resilience after engaging with LIFT.
  6. Stronger social connections and resilience translated to more progress on goals. Members who reported having strong social connections and personal well-being completed more goals than members who did not, with high scorers completing up to 1.6 times as many goals during their time at LIFT.

These results speak for themselves: by putting members first in all we do, we are empowering them to achieve transformational outcomes for themselves and their families.

For additional information on LIFT’s Constituent Voice process, check out our recent publication, Listening Better: 10 Lessons from LIFT’s Member Feedback Survey, or contact us at [email protected].