[Annual Report 2014] Here’s What We Accomplished Together Last Year.

Dear LIFTers,

I am thrilled to share our new annual report, What Matters Most, with you. This year has been huge for us and I am thrilled to be able to celebrate the gains we’ve made as we work to help our Members build the confidence, connections, and cash supports they need get on solid ground. The strides that we’ve made are huge for the families we serve – like the fact that we’ve put more than $7M in in wages & income supports into the pockets of our Members and that we saw a 53% increase in the number of jobs, housing and other successes Members are having. And that’s just the tip of this iceberg! When you get a moment, please take a look at the report and I hope you feel really great about what we have been able to accomplish together over the last year.

Yours in solidarity,


Patience B. Peabody
Director of Communications, LIFT-HQ

P.S. Feel free to drop me a line and let me know what moved you the most!